Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Reflection about History Project

1) What did you learn from working on the project ?

- First of all , I learnt the importance of teamwork. Without teamwork , we will not be able to complete this project. I also learnt the different ways my friends from 1E1 and 1E4 present their project work. I realized that there are plenty of useful information on the internet that we might not be able to find in the textbook .

2) What can be improved about the way the project was carried out ?

- I think that all the groups [including my group] should include more pictures in the slides so that it will not be too wordy and boring. I think that they should show their models clearly instead of just putting them aside. But overall , it was alright but I hope that next time we do not have to stay back to present our project.

Aqila 1E1 [ sorry for the late entry !]

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Reflection on religion & philosophy

1.In a country like Singapore which is multi-religious,what are the possible challenges we might face? How can we overcome these challenges?
Singapore might face racism as people of other religion or race might dislike other races and their religion.These people might have a misconception about other religions.We can overcome these challenges by being kind to each other , help each other and always communicate with each other so that they will understand each other well and respect their religion.With this,Singapore will be a better place for people of all races and religion to stay.

2.How was religions and philosophies important to the people of the ancient civilisation?
Religion & philosophies influenced the way the people in the past lived and the way the people today live. It impacted everyone . Most people today belief in god . Cristianity , Buddhism , Islam , Hinduism , are some of the examples of religions practiced by people today .

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1. What were the similarities between the government & society of the 3 ancient civilisations?
  • They had their own class system
  • They had their own writing system
  • They had occupations for the people
  • They had their own king/rulers to rule their country

2. What were the differences between the government & society of the 3 ancient civilisations?

  • The class system in India was rigid , but the class system in China & Southeast Asia was flexible
  • The government rule their own country in different ways
  • They had dfferent types of religion beliefs
  • They had different occupations

3. How similar or different are their system with Singapore?

  • They had kings to rule their country while Singapore has a president to rule the country
  • The types of occupations available in their country was limited while Singapore has many different types of occupations to choose from
  • Singapore has no class system , unlike their country which have class systems. They had no freedom to choose the type of occupation they want to work as

Name: Aqila Bte Rosli (01) 1E1

Friday, July 17, 2009

Reflection on Indus Valley Civillisation

The Indus Valley Civilisation started as early as 2500 BCE . It was called the Indus Valley Civilisation as these ancient cities were found along the Indus River.

>>See map for the location>>

The Indus Valley Civilisation is a well-planned city with an efficient government .

Drainage System

The Indus Valley Civilisation had :
  • a complex drainage system
  • Chitadel - to protect the villagers against enemies
  • Granary - to store food for future consumption

The Indus people worked as :
  • Priests who conduct religious bathing .
  • Farmers to provide food to the villagers .
  • Traders who sell and purchase products from other regions .
Writing system of the Indus People:
Seals found indicated that the Indus valley people :
  • Had a uniform writing system.
  • Used seals for trade.
  • Had a form of personal identification.

Acknowledgement : www.google.com

Done By : Aqila Bte Rosli (01) , 1E1 <17.07.09>

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Testing ^^